Toad Featured Music: Niko!


Niko! is a man. 

He is a young man. 

He is in love. 

He is in love and he makes music. 

Niko! is a young music man in love. I had the opportunity to sit down with Nick Maxwell (the real name of the man behind niko!) to talk about his musical influences, personal goals, relationship, and favorite bands and artists. We discussed his admiration for solo artists like Zayn, Harry Styles, and Niall Horan. (Notice a trend here?) If you don’t recognize these names, then you’ve clearly and tragically forgotten the line-up of the international pop sensation boy band known as One Direction- and I’m ashamed of you for forgetting. Nick sure hasn’t.

In his first release ever, this Arizona-raised, Joplin-residing, college-attending, singer-songwriter puts to paper and song the struggles he’s encountered whilst pursuing a long-distance relationship. He croons “I just gotta miss you less,” in a brand new, catchy R&B influenced single. 

Nick wrote this song last summer in Arizona where he collaborated with friends Jay Kelly and Brian Kabala (you can hear both of them sing alongside him in the song). After completing the summer internship in Arizona, he headed home and worked on the song until he had it exactly how he wanted it. With a little help from Joplin producer and tech extraordinaire Jon Hill, the song was finished. 

Once the song was ready, Nick avoided an all too common rookie mistake- and didn’t rush to release it. Instead, he managed the excitement and adrenaline that comes with the creation of a new piece of art, opting for patience and strategy. He took his time, waiting for the right moment to put out his song. In the meanwhile, he diligently planned, executed, and promoted his debut release. 

It worked! The song- not yet out six weeks- has already garnered nearly 9,000 streams on Spotify from thousands of listeners around the world. 

The song is a pretty one, characterized by multiple changes in rhythm and several different vocal styles from niko! and friends. If this song is any indication of what is to come, then this Joplin Toad music writer firmly believes that there are great things in store for this dope new artist. 

click on this image to listen to the track now.

Check out niko! on Spotify and follow him on instagram!