The Haunted Toad (Audio/article read-along) 

by an anonymous toad

Connor hotel haunted toad joplin mo.png

Have you ever been alone somewhere when you felt that tingling sensation on the back of your neck? Or ever seen a shadow in the corner of your eye but when you looked nothing was there?
Do you get a creepy feeling when you hear the wind howling through the window or a door creaking open? Most of us have probably experienced something that has given us an uneasy feeling and even if it could be explained away rationally, there is a little part of us that still wonders, What if..?”

This is especially true for some employees of the old Joplin Library. Books falling off shelves, the sound of footsteps pacing but no one around to make the sound, breathing on the neck of the lone librarian

restocking the shelves at night, shadow figures ducking behind shelves and walking the halls when the doors were locked for the weekend. Could it be overactive imaginations? Or was the building truly haunted?

Haunted Librarians

As librarian Danya Walker described,

”I worked at the Joplin Public Library on Main Street for over 10 years. Over the years, it was accepted by many staff that the building was haunted or at least had unexplained activity. I, myself, did experience some odd things at the library. Many times, when out in the stacks, shelving books, I would feel someone standing behind me or walking up towards me, but there would never be anyone there. That was a very common experience shared by other people/staff as well. I have also heard books fall off the shelf but thenthere aren’t any books knocked off.”

you can continue to read and view pictures by clicking the button above… or you can listen to the audio format (complete with music, sound effects and more!) by clicking below. Our suggestion? Do both at once for the ultimate read-along!
